An ex-serviceman's initiative

This is a free service and is purely voluntary and presently only for Armed Forces.

  1. SEHATOPD For Immediate Medical Help, utilise the   for access to speedy medical advice. Manned by Army doctors. Easy to log in. They give proper prescription. Can even talk to them whenever required.  It is like visiting MI Room from home! Only General medicine. Has been checked by us.  
  2.   How to use SEHATOPD
    1. Use only Laptop or PC.
    2. Keep your documents you want to upload say Medical records etc ready. It should be a photo of small size, Less than 1 MB. Also keep a photo of ECHS card or any ID ready in a folder on your laptop/PC. Create a folder ‘Sehatopd’ on your Desktop for easy reference and put all your files etc in that. Later you can download the prescription also into it.
    3. Open Google and search - and click on the link obtained
    4. Read the pop ups.
    5. On the top right there three back boxes for links. Click on ‘1. Patient Registration’.
    6. It takes you to next page. Enter mobile number and click send OTP.
    7. Once you get OTP on your mobile message, enter it on Laptop / PC and click ‘OK’
    8. It takes you to a next page where you need to enter your data- First name, Last name, age, state, gender, city, address, PIN and max three files can be uploaded in jpg, gif, png. etc max 5 MB.  
    9. Thereafter it generates a TOKEN.
    10. Then you login again with your mobile number and Token.
    11. It takes you to awaiting room on line.
    12. Thereafter depending on rush, not much, you get a call from the doctor on the screen and starts a  video chat. (So better be Dressed appropriately) The connection happens after two or three trials due to internet disturbances.
    13. The talk can be verbal or through typed chat, in case video is not clear.
    14. The doctor advises you and the chat closes.
    15. Thereafter you need to login again with your mobile number and OTP to get prescription. The main page opens again. Click on ‘Services’ and download the prescription. Save in your ‘sehatopd’ folder. Follow the advice.
    16. It is generally for minor ailments. For major issues they may refer you to Hospital. Very easy to use. 
    17. Be healthy and stay safe.


3.  Message from Army Commander Southern Command. ESM Cells / Nodal Officers. In case you want to reach out please send WhatsApp messages to this number - 7543908866. This number has also been checked by us. They reply. 

4. Get Vaccinated. Log in to  Easy log in with OTP on your mobile. look for nearest center and book dates for vaccination. Some places they follow token systems inspite of internet boooking.  ECHS have also started and  have good arrangements. wherever you go,  vaccination is a must. at least it will not be lethal in case you are infected.  


There is a volunteer group of veterans  based in Chennai , who are helping all  from anywhere in  India. Using their contacts in all states , they are able to help people to the extent possible in terms of Hospital beds and Oxygen. 
Anyone can call - Serving, Retired or even civilians. 
We have spoken to the Officer and Confirmed. It is an authentic information. 

Maj Gen Jose Manavalan .( He is a member of this website. No 165.
Wg Cdr Harshavardhan
Surg Cdr Dr Salim Thomas




 Meditation to handle Stress

Sahaja Yoga is a unique method of meditation based on an experience called Self Realization (Kundalini awakening) that can occur within each human being.

Through this process an inner transformation takes place by which one becomes moral, united, integrated and balanced.

More at:


A handful of Veterans from three services met in April 2015 to chalk out the mode for protesting the delay in grant of OROP. In the process, Tri Services Ex-servicemen Welfare Association (TSEWA) was born in May- June 2015.

More at:


This project has been started by Col Vembu Shankar , SC , who is a resident of Chennai. He helps all widows who are due to Physical Casualities. He believes that, while everyone helps War Widows and Battle casualities,  , nobody looks after the Physical  casualties. They do not get all the attention which War Widows get. Hence he has taken up this PROJECT SAMBANDH to do just that.


working selflessly on his own without any help from anyone, a lone crusader on a mission. He has details of all the Widows of Indian armed Forces. Great job. Commendable. Anyone can Contact him for

 Mastermind foundation .The COVID-19 disease has achieved pandemic status. The World Health Organization has issued guidelines for managing the problem from both biomedical and psychological points of view. Coronavirus affects mental health in a dreadful volume and intensity throughout the world and also affected India at large. This  organiastion  is working round the clock to address the mental health battle against coronavirus. Human psychology plays a vital role in dealing with Coronavirus (COVID -19) pandemic.Mastermind foundation has taken this initiative to extend COVID-19, “PAN INDIA FREE COUNSELING SERVICE” to the citizen of India. Lt Col N Thiagarajan, a veteran from Chennai is doing an yeoman service to the nation. For further detail visit the link.

Help for disabled Personnel.

Col T Sundaram from Mumbai has offered help for disabled personnel of the Armed forces regarding their rights etc and they do not need to ECHS but can go directly to Otto bock centres wherever they are located. His number is 7977761244 and the same for Whatsapp.

 KV NO2 JAIPUR ONLINE CLASSES. Outstanding effort Free Resource - Class wise, subject wise notes, solutions, video Class 1 to 12, well organized. Highly beneficial for students and teachers.

 Free telemedicine consultation for Armed Forces and Veterans has been launched. To be used mainly on Laptops and PCs - Android or IOS platforms not yet compatible.  It involves one time registration.

 SAFE  Home OPD. The government has launched a scheme especially for Sr. Citizens and also for all other citizens: eSANJEEVANI.   Especially for aged people with blood pressure, diabetes, etc. who take regular medicines, cannot be taken to hospital immediately for OPD.

 1. Opt for patient’s registration.

2. Type your mobile no. and get OTP to get into the website.

3. Enter patient’s details and district.

Now, you will be connected to a doctor online. Then, through video, you can consult the doctor for any health problem.

A doctor will prescribe medicines online. You can show that in the pharmacy and get the medicines.

This is totally free. You can use this service every day from 10 am to 3 pm only, including Sundays.

 This Central Govt Website is:

 BLOG HELP AND SERVE :You can Post your comments on this blog:


 RODRA website for officers .

1. AG's Branch (MP5) which is the Record Office for all Army Officers has developed RODRA website .  

2. This is a direct interface between Veteran Officers/Next of Kin and Army HQ(Officers Records)  to resolve their pensionary/documentation related grievances. 

3. The website hosts a number of facilities for registered veterans/NoK. Maximum veterans have registered on RODRA website.          4. All those who have  not registered/signed up on RODRA website are requested to  Kindly register on RODRA website immediately. 

5. In case of any query/clarification, you may contact AG/MP5B helpline on 011-20863044 or mobile 8130591689, 8368051743 (WhatsApp only). 

6. If you cannot register online, please come to our office with all your documents, We will help you register online.



A Blog on alternate therapies for cancer based on personal experiences. Will certainly help our friends and relatives. 

They can also connect in case of any clarifications. Welcome to add more information.